I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder around May 2021. At the time of my diagnosis I knew nothing about this disorder; I had never even heard of it. I started to research bpd and found that most books, papers and resources were from mental health professionals and not anyone who had actually been diagnosed. Turning to social media for help I found that there really wasn't any information on living with bpd from someone who has it. Since podcasts had become a big media source I decided I would make one educating people on what this disorder is, how it affects a person's every day life and to end this stigma that surrounds it. If this helps even one person I will consider it a success.
It all began with the worst year of my life. Trauma. Heartbreak. A mental breakdown. Jail. Rock bottom. That led to more therapy than I knew one person could take on at a time. It was worth it though because therapy, my support system and facing myself everyday helped me find me again. I am not, and never will be, the person I was before all of this. She is gone, but the lessons I learned will stay forever. I can only move forward, own my mistakes and learn to love myself regardless of where I am at.
"Mental health is our silent crisis. There is no shame in speaking out and seeking help."
~Viola Davis